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Auction Magic

"The Magic of the Auction"
by CR Wood
Any discussion of The Auction Method in the State of Utah must, of necessity, include a bit of history.
When Brother Brigham brought the pioneers to the Great Basin, he sent them forth to "make the desert blossom as a rose." In order to accomplish this aim, they were exhorted to repair, fix up, make do or do without. Here in Utah, the use of The Auction Method to liquidate assets has always been viewed as both the very last resort, and as an admission of abject failure.
In other parts of the country, especially the Midwest, auctions are routinely employed, to turn assets into cash. Slowly, the Auction Method is gaining traction, and more and more individuals and companies are using it to streamline their equipment inventories, and infuse much needed cash into their operational budgets, because quality equipment and materials bring honest prices when properly marketed, and marginal materials find a down line purchaser who can re-purpose those marginal assets.
The Magic of the Auction Method is threefold:
- All assets will sell on a date certain! The consumer sets the date of his own sale, and all promotional efforts, and sale design are focused on that sale date.
- The assets sell for cash! There is no down payment, with promises of certain remittances. Every item is reduced to a 30 second, competitive buying decision. Whether the sale price be a little or a lot, it is in the form of cash, money, real negotiable funds, payable to the owner upon collection.
- Someone else hauls it away! There is no clean-up, or hauling the residue to the dump, it all goes away at someone else's expense and effort.
If you, or someone you know could benefit from this approach to asset liquidation, Diamond "W" Auctioneers stands ready to help you employ the "Magic of the Auction Method." Solve your inventory, estate, or business liquidation dilemmas MAGICALLY!